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Life lately, on film

Luke surprised me with a simple little point and shoot beauty from Japan a few weeks ago- and we weren't sure how the wide lens would capture the light, but I was pretty excited when the negative scans arrived in our inbox. It was a friday I think, and we went out in the rain to shoot a roll, and did it all in one walk, finishing on top of the hospital parking garage nearby. I want to cherish these little moments of time from this corner of the world God has placed us in today. I hope you enjoy them too. Taking photos on this little vintage camera is one of the personal projects I'm embarking on in this season - life-giving is what I'm going for these days.

My favourite flowers of this season, in front of this beauty of a building, their splendor not even dampened by the rain. And on the far right, an art and photography studio just a few buildings down from ours.

I love the architecture in this city, and this is a row of houses I walk by often, so this view is a familiar and comforting one.

I love the detail in the leaves captured on film - a richness I can't find through the lens of my phone, or even our DSLRs.

The fog was laying low that afternoon, and we passed football practice of some kind, which made me nostalgic for football season back home, especially this time of year. It also made me think of you, Adrienne, if you find yourself reading this.

We have come to really love the University of Toronto campus for walking Maple, and for getting some exercise. The campus has really filled up this academic year, post covid, and it's refreshingly full of life. Not to mention the buildings are absolutely stunning, and feel so very collegiate. It takes me back to long walks I used to take with a certain someone that eventually became my husband. It was just a few hundred miles south of here.

Luke snapped this photo of me - the colour photos are all his in this gallery, captured on the Nikon F100 on Lomography 400 film stock. I thought they complimented the b&ws so beautifully.

These are all shot in a romantic courtyard where we could see all the lit chandeliers in the lunchroom nearby. I got a few candids of Luke as well.

I love this view of our home - our main floor flat is in the house covered by the tree in this first row. If you really squint and use your imagination you could maybe see the art gallery there, too. We were pointed west here.

The last few are going in our front door, one of my fave alleyways and the houses at the end. You should really see them in colour though, they're so pretty. And Maple of course, I perched her in my great grandmother's rocking chair, and she actually has two legs in real life, which this photo doesn't show - but she was a good sport and posed for me. She's a good egg, as my grandmother would have said (followed by, "I never did like eggs").

And there's a rainy afternoon in from our neighborhood in downtown Toronto, early October.

Til next time,


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