I recently did a paper mache clay project on a lamp. It was a fun little light project - no pun intended, but because it sits beside my now very much dead valentines day flowers, my thoughts have started to linger in deeper places because of it.
The themes of God's patterns and continuous work of restoration seem to be surfacing all around me, and I'm thankful to be able to see it. After struggling with infertility for about three years and coming to a point where I thought I had come to grips with the real possibility of never conceiving, God gave life that is now growing inside me. We continue to rejoice over God's goodness.
I try to see God's merciful work echoed in something so simple as a lamp "redo" - in updating the design, feel, and look of the lamp you restore it's purpose and it's no longer hidden in the closet, it's outdated look rendering it unusable, or at the very least, just outdated. It can now thrive in it's purpose and live a whole new life. The analogy to us as Christ followers breaks down of course, because God is chiefly concerned with our hearts doing what they were designed to do - worshipping Him as His creatures, following Him wholeheartedly, our Creator. And while a lamp serves it's purpose, I'm not sure I'd describe it as living a life. Ha.
I see this same thread of restoration in the now dead valentine's day flowers on my bedside table - the promise of springtime flowers, that always arrive in a hurry when spring does finally come to Canada. The surety of seasons speaking of God's faithfulness, and His work of making the barren places beautiful.
God is in the work of restoration - in our hearts, in the long-form view of history, as he looks in, unthwarted by time or by any of the works of man. In fact, He is ruling and reigning over the works of man, and I feel comforted by the presence of His reign over even the flowers and the seasons.
I'm going to hold onto these dead flowers, at least for a little while longer, at least until the summer blooms are here. I decided to simplify the blooms by putting them on some frogs. You can see them in their full beauty and life below - arranged by the talented Rikki Marcone.
I documented the whole lamp redo too if you enjoy long form videos, you can view the whole project on my YouTube Channel:
Happy spring and summer flowers, and let me know if you try a paper mache clay project!